Sunday, June 27, 2010

Letter from my grandfather

My 85-year old gdad wrote this email to a prospective "groom", who got a little over enthusiastic... If I was a guy n got such an email, I'd drown myself... But my gdad is very cute... :-)

"I'm no expert on psychology nor competent to advice you. But commonsense and age old wisdom dictates that you always respect a girl's privacy and freedom while seeking to gain her confidence and luv. It seems you rushed things a bit and overawed Rashmi with your aggressive overtures, while trying to express to her your sentiments. No doubt, your intentions were honorable, but instead of going step by step viz., introduction, acquaintance, friendship and confidence-gaining and last, but not the least, expression of tender feelings, u seem to have started with the final stage. In true ancient Rajasthani Royal style, u rushed in and swept Rashmi off her feet to take her home(heart). Whilst she was in no distress, she mistook you for a kidnapper, though u considered yourself a rescuer. Naturally u forced the poor girl to rush behind her protective shell. An Indian girl, however modern in outlook she may be, is wary abt roadside (and Internet) Romeos and Don Juans. U have feelings. I'm sure if you ask for a second chance she will only be willing. But exercise caution. Give her sufficient breathing space. That is if u are truly interested in winning her over as your life partner."""

Needless to say, this "alliance" didn't work out.

I really wish my gdad would stop trying to search for my husband.


  1. Awesome shit!!! You're gandpa's my hero!

    Also, now I know where the writing comes from. So we meet on 29th or 4th eh?

  2. :-) yes. I'll let u know what the plans are, once i know
